Cost of Conflict between India and Pakistan
BY: Sobia Nisar
The Daily Mail, May 25, 2004

The Strategic Foresight Group of the International Center for Peace Initiatives, based in Mumbai, published a report The Cost of Conflict Between India and Pakistan in January 2004. Its main authors are Ilmas Futehally and Semu Bhatt. As India and Pakistan edge towards a rapprochement over Kashmir, the think tanks have issued their own assessment of what a standoff would cost the two countries over the next 5-10 years. The report generally paints a negative picture of Pakistan through twisted information and clever messages having latent meanings. The Indian think tank has managed to get the support of Mr. Niaz A Naik for writing the foreword of the book. Excerpts from some of the main features of report are:

  1. "Thriving illegal arms production industry in Pakistan has made it the hub for black weapons. " (Page 31). In reality, it is India rather than Pakistan, who is heading in the race of illegal arms production. India being declared as the second most corrupt nation of Asia surveyed by Hong Kong based political and Economic Risk Consultancy limited in March 2004. Recently, the Russians are also angered over the Indian illegal manufactured copy of the Russian AK-47 kalashinkov and other arms, and call it patent infringement by India.
  2. "Pakistan's state agencies have promoted the growth of terrorist organizations to serve their objectives in Afghanistan and Kashmir. (Page 32) This hunch is absolutely without any solid evidence. In reality, the statement should have been "The Indian State Agencies have promoted terrorist activities to destabilize all neighbouring states of India to serve their own hegemonic objectives. " By actual facts, it is the innocent Kashmiri who is suffering from the most inhuman, brutal terrorist crimes by Indian Security forces in IHK. Nobody else but RAW is engaged in terrorist activities among the neighbouring states of India. In Srilanka, it exploited the dispute between the Sinhalese majority and Tamil minority over distribution o f economic and social spoils o f independence. India consistently tried to destabilize Bangladesh politically and financially with the aim of merging it with India. Terrorist activities by RAW in Bhutan, Nepal & Sikkim has been a continuous source of tension in these states. After the repeated assassination attempts on Pakistani President, the most recent example of Indian terrorist activity in Pakistan is the Gwador incident which claimed the lives of innocent Chinese.
  3. The report sought to undermine Pakistan's external image, especially in the West - taking advantage of the Western phobia of `Islamic fundamentalism-terrorism'. The report is a well-organized campaign to try and have Pakistan put on the terrorist watch list so that Pakistan could be declared a `terrorist state' by the US. But the effort is purely futile due to the progressive policies of President Musharraf.
  4. At a time when the international community is increasingly condemning terrorism as an instrument of violence and fundamentalism, this report is an offensive against Pakistan to counter Pakistan's successful efforts in its fight against terrorism, by labelling Kashmiri freedom struggle as "Cross-Border Terrorism." Worth mentioning, human rights violations by Border Security forces BSF in Indian-held Kashmir are recognized internationally through International Human Rights Agencies like Amnesty International. With the Indians desperately seeking a way out of their Kashmir quagmire, the report has falsely projected rise of the Madrassah culture in Pakistan with its imaginary link with the Taliban in Afghanistan. It has tried to create a link between terrorism and Kashmiri freedom fighters.
  5. Growing military and Jihadi influence has sidelined significance of (Pakistani) democratic institutions... the jihadi force, is likely to become the most important player by the end of this decade. " (Pg 28) In reality, the President of Pakistan has banned most of the militant organizations in Pakistan. Thus there are no chances of Jihadi forces to be the most important players. President Musharraf's decision to give up uniform by the end of Dec 2004 is an ample proof of establishment of complete democracy in Pakistan. Condition of democracy prevailing in the so-called World's Largest Democracy has been exposed to the world in the enquiry. Moreover, India is maintaining forced control of 10 different regions that are striving for independence from Indian brutal control that has not been highlighted anywhere in the report issued.
  6. Most shocking statement being "A major support of these jihadi organizations within the Pakistan army and the ISI, makes them even more powerful. " (Pg 27). As a matter of fact, such organizations have been banned by General Musharraf and discouraged by the Army.
  7. "The ISI has set up 60 centers in India." On the contrary, the report is silent on the number of RAW set-ups with thousands of agents costing millions of rupees every year in Pakistan. 15 RAW' agents caught recently during SAF games and investigated during terrorist attack in Gawador and in Madrid bomb blasts need to have been highlighted in such reports.
  8. "Terrorist attacks on Indian parliament, the subsequent attacks in Mumbai, and their linkages to Pakistan-based terrorist organizations have forced India to seriously examine the threat posed by Pakistan. (Pg 24) Instead, the statement should have been "Terrorist attacks in Karachi, subsequent attacks on life of president, and their linkages to Indian-based terrorist organizations have forced Pakistan to seriously examine the .threat posed by India."
  9. "Present day Pakistan stands polarized on religious, ethnic and sectarian grounds. Violence enhanced by gun and drug culture, has. eroded the law and order situation of the country. " (Pg 24), The authors seem to be ignorant of the fact that today Pakistan stands ahead among the countries fighting against terrorism. US State Department in its official statement has appreciated President of Pakistan for governmental policies initiated to make' Pakistan a moderate, progressive and enlightened Islamic state. Today Pakistan stands high being the only Muslim Nuclear power in the world.
  10. Above all, the remarks written by Former Pakistani foreign secretary, Mr. Niaz A Naik in the Foreword of the report needs a special mention. Besides appreciating the report for its comprehensive coverage, he has termed t he report a s "provocative". The people o f Pakistan are not appreciating the foreword for its controversial and biased reporting. It has a negative impact at a time where an environment of peace between the two countries is underway. Mr. Niaz being a veteran and conscience international figure should not have afforded to give supporting remarks for this anti-Pakistan report. Since Indo-Pak relations have taken a new turn with the successful SAARC summit, an environment of regional peace and friendship is underway, it is imperative for the people of both countries, to have a correct, balanced and realistic knowledge about the costs of conflict between India and Pakistan. A few suggestions given i n t his regard would be instrumental:
    • The Kashmir dispute should be resolved at its earliest in accordance with the wishes of Kashmiris and the United Nations resolutions without which the conflict between the two counties will never erode.
    • India is in a process of embarking most advanced military weapons, Arrows, AWACS, aircraft carriers worth millions of dollars mainly from Israel and Russia. This massive defence procurement by India should have been included in the report. The Strategic Foresight group being an independent think-tank should guide the government for spending more on social development rather than o n defence.
    • For overall improvement of South-Asian environment, the relations of India and Pakistan with other regional states should also be highlighted. E.g. strained relations between India and all South-Asian states should be highlighted focussing on the steps India should undertake t o improve itself so as to develop friendly relations with these states.

The Cost of Conflict between India and Pakistan is an attempt to falsely project destabilization and chaos in Pakistan. The real face of report should be exposed to the international world community. The Indian government should seriously take a notice of such unrealistic reports and put a ban on them so that no hinderance comes in the way of conducive environment of talks between the two countries.